India:+91 9440729204, 8885075549,8501894874


Business Partners

AcuteSoft Solutions India Pvt.Ltd had achieved a profound reputation around the globe, we are proud with our professional dedication and energetic teams. But our every successful story can be written only by the staunch support, assistance and business collaboration provided by our esteemed partner firm support. We strive extend our services to serve better and get united producing firm capital and support with our alliance.

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Infrastructure Partners

AcuteSoft provides the best in class IT infrastructure hardware& electronics in an economical budget. Our alliance with a chain of nationaldistributers was an asset in serving with customable package to our customers.




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Cloud Services Partners

AcuteSoft is vogue trending with updated technology, we provide innovative cloud services which benefit clients with advanced and economical solutions. We provide the maximum scope of utilization of the cloudsource. We are capable to output the latest technology affiliated with our Cloud service partners.



Technical Partners

AcuteSoft is in league with esteemed Technocrats famed among thefortune 500. We ensure perfection in our varied number of multiple services withquality. We entente our partnership with global giants in acquiring latesttechnology updated and deliver Solutions for Success.
